Precautions to Take For Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection characterized by redness, rash, incessant itching and burning on your feet. It is contagious and can spread to other parts of your body if proper treatment is not administered.

While there is a variety of fungi that cause the infection, getting your feet examined at Step By Step Family Foot Care will enable you to get the right treatment according to the infected fungus.

Precautions you may undertake to avoid the onset of this infection

  • Avoid moist places: Fungus thrives in warm and moisture-rich places like public showers, gym rooms, pools etc. Use antiseptics if exposed to such places.
  • Personal hygiene utensils: It is strongly recommended that you do not share your personal hygiene tools such as soaps, nail cutters, towels and even footgear like socks and shoes. When visiting salons or nail spas, make sure their staff sterilize their utensils and use effective disinfectants.
  • Closed shoes: If your feet are infected, the fungus can stay in your shoes and aggravate your infection. Closed shoes and sweaty feet are breeding ground for athlete’s foot condition.
  • Socks: Even though socks act as a protective tool for your feet, make sure that the material you choose allows breathing space for your feet and dries away moisture that may build up while your feet are undercover.
  • Personal habits: Washing your feet and drying them up thoroughly can protect your feet from various foot infections.
  • Foot powders: Using foot or any talcum powders also reduce chances of developing infections as they keep your feet dry, control sweat, and prevent friction between your toes.

If you are suffering from athlete’s foot or fear that you may become prey to this fungal infection, feel free to consult our podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim, at our Parsippany Office, New Jersey. Call us at (973) 917-3785 and benefit from our expertise in dealing with diverse foot conditions and providing effective foot health solutions.