A Podiatrist’s Guide to Healing 3 Hiking Hazards

Hiking offers a fantastic way to connect with nature and exercise outdoors, particularly as the weather warms. However, uneven terrain, heavy backpacks, and increased mileage can all lead to painful injuries and ailments.

Step by Step Family Foot Care is well known for proven expertise and fact-focused relief. In part, that reputation stems from our enduring commitment to patient education, and this time around, we’re blogging about common hiking woes and how to handle them.

1.) Blisters:

These fluid-filled pockets on the skin typically appear from friction between your feet and socks or shoes. They’re most common during long hikes with new or ill-fitting footwear.

  • Conservative Treatment: Once a blister forms, resist the urge to pop it! Apply a sterile bandage to prevent infection, and wear well-fitting, moisture-wicking socks on future hikes.
  • Advanced Treatment: A podiatrist can safely drain large or painful blisters and provide a sterile dressing to promote healing. They can also recommend specialized blister pads or inlays to prevent further friction.

2.) Plantar Fasciitis:

This inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament stretching from your heel to your toes, presents as heel pain, especially in the mornings or after long periods of standing or walking. Plantar fasciitis often arises from increased stress on the plantar fascia due to uneven terrain or improper footwear.

  • Conservative Treatment: Stretching exercises for the plantar fascia and calf muscles might be combined with orthotics featuring arch support to distribute pressure more evenly.
  • Advanced Treatment: Your podiatrist might suggest night splints to keep your foot flexed while you sleep or corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation.

3.) Ankle Sprains:

A misstep on uneven ground or a rolled ankle can cause the ligaments connecting your ankle bones to stretch or tear beyond their normal range of motion. This is often accompanied by pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty bearing weight.

  • Conservative Treatment: Your podiatrist will likely recommend immobilization with a brace or cast alongside physical therapy exercises to regain strength and stability.
  • Advanced Treatment: In severe cases involving ligament tears, surgery might be necessary to repair damaged tissue.

At Step By Step Family Foot Care, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive podiatric services. Concerned about your foot health? Contact our office at (973) 917-3785 or visit our website to schedule an appointment with Dr. Debra Manheim. 

Say Goodbye to Fungal Infections

Summer means sweat, and sometimes sweat can lead to bacteria and infection. How can you avoid a fungal foot infection this season? The best solution is prevention and protecting your feet from the microbes that cause the infection in the first place. Fungus loves warm, moist environments, such as those of your shoes. Keeping your feet and shoes dry and bacteria-free is most important for avoiding Athlete’s foot and toenail fungus, but there are plenty of other solutions.

How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus Today:

1. Avoid direct contact with microbes by protecting your feet

Public showers, bathrooms, locker rooms, and such are teaming with microbes. Wear shower shoes or sandals to protect your feet from microbes.

2. Trim your toenails properly

Trimming them straight across or on a slight curve and keeping them a little long will help prevent ingrown toenails that can be the precursor to a frustrating fungal toenail infection.

3. Wear breathable, lightweight socks and shoes

Choose those made of breathable materials to allow moisture to evaporate instead of building up.

4. Keep your feet clean and dry

Wash your feet daily with mild soap. Take the time to dry them before putting on your socks and shoes. It will help keep microbes from growing.

5. Use medicinal lotions, sprays, and powders in your shoes and on your feet

Antifungal products can be applied to your feet and inside your shoes to kill the fungi directly.

Do you think you have a fungal infection? Call us as soon as possible! Don’t delay treatment.

Step By Step Family Foot Care is here to assist you with any of your podiatry needs! To make an appointment with Dr. Debra Manheim, call us at (973) 917-3785 or visit our site to schedule an appointment. The staff at our Parsippany office is ready and eager to help.

Living With Arthritis


We know arthritis can limit your activity and prevent you from enjoying the things you love. With no cure for your condition, you might begin to feel hopeless. But hope is not lost! With the help of a trusted podiatrist, there are plenty of ways you can treat and overcome arthritis. Here’s your simple guide on how to live with arthritis.

Switch Up Your Daily Routine

Making some minor lifestyle changes can drastically help ease any pain and discomfort you feel from arthritis. Minimizing any activities that aggravate your condition is highly recommended. For those who love to run, limit your activity to a short walk. Always pay attention to how your body responds and adjust from there. Swimming and cycling are also great alternatives to high-impact sports. Staying active despite your arthritis is recommended; maintaining a healthy weight can help put less stress on your joints.

Ask About Physical Therapy

There are plenty of specific exercises that help increase flexibility and strengthen muscles. Your podiatrist can come up with a personalized exercise routine that fits your needs. In most cases, physical therapy is a great way to lessen pain from arthritis. But for others, exercise and movement can lead to more pain. If this is the case, let your podiatrist know.

Consider Orthotics and Inserts

One of the best ways you can manage arthritis is by wearing custom orthotics and shoe inserts. Orthotics are designed to be worn inside your shoe, providing support, and lessening the pain of the condition you’re dealing with. For arthritis, they can also put less pressure on your joints and increase mobility.

Seek Surgery

If your arthritis pain and discomfort impact your life daily, it might be time to talk with your podiatrist about surgery. There are numerous types of surgery, all based on where your arthritis is located and the impact it’s had on your joints.

If you suffer from arthritis, getting treatment is crucial. Contact your podiatrist and discuss your pain. Step By Step Family Foot Care is here to assist you with any of your podiatry needs! To make an appointment with Dr. Debra Manheim, call us at (973) 917-3785 or visit our site to schedule an appointment. The staff at our Parsippany office is ready and eager to help.

Walk Your Way to a Healthy Heart


February is American Heart Month and our experts at Step by Step Family Foot Care want to reinforce the importance of a healthy heart. You can avoid heart issues such as heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and more, by regularly engaging in a simple activity – walking!

Walking has numerous benefits including:

  • Improved blood circulation throughout the body, especially lower limbs
  • Feeling fresh and energetic
  • Reduced stress levels and mental pre-occupation
  • Weight loss or sustained healthy body weight
  • Controlled sugar and cholesterol levels
  • Improved sleep cycle and quality
  • Improved immunity and overall body strength

Walking is easy and is usually problem-free, however, as with any exercise, some precautions are necessary.

  • Use proper walking shoes. Walking in flip-flops or ill-fitting shoes will harm your feet.
  • If you encounter pain, take a break, and let your feet rest. If the pain persists, visit your foot doctor without delay to avoid any problems in the long run.
  • Use orthotics for strong heel and arch support. The extra padding will allow better shock absorption and reduce the risk of injuries.
  • Start slow and walk shorter lengths initially. Build your stamina and then target faster and longer distances.
  • Stay hydrated. Lack of water can result in muscle cramps and sprains that will disrupt your walking routine.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and watch where you are walking. Trips, bumps, and falls can lead to injuries or fractures that could make you immobile for an unknown time.

If you have any concerns regarding your feet or would like more information and guidelines to improve the quality of your health, feel free to make an appointment with our board-certified podiatrist Dr. Debra B. Manheim. Contact our office in Parsippany, New Jersey, by calling (973) 917-3785 so that our team can find, treat, and eliminate your source of foot discomfort.

4 Tips for Reducing Fall Risk in Older Adults

fall prevention, senior foot care

As we get older, our bodies tend to lose strength, balance, and flexibility, thus increasing the risk of falling and injury. Anyone can have a fall, but older individuals are most vulnerable. Seniors need to be proactive with their foot health to diminish the risk of falls.

September is National Falls Prevention Month, and at Step by Step Family Foot Care, we know how your foot health can play a significant role in preventing dangerous falls.

Here are some tips to help people reduce their risk of falling.

  1. Stay in shape. Regular exercise improves overall foot health. It strengthens the muscles and improves balance and flexibility, making injuries and falls less likely. Keeping a healthy weight also helps to reduce the stress on your feet.
  2. Annual eye exam. Low vision can increase the risk of falling and injury. An annual eye exam from your optometrists can play a significant role in reducing falls. Don’t ignore foot pain. If your feet hurt, you risk losing your balance as you try to alter the way you walk to avoid the problem. Foot pain is not normal – be sure to discuss any pains, aches, and symptoms with your podiatrist.
  3. Remove hazards at home. Over half of all falls occur at home. Inspect your home for any risks that could lead to a fall or injury. Make sure you have good lighting all around the house. Clear any clutter such as cords or small furniture items from the main living space. Make sure to clean up any spills on the floor immediately. Install handrails for the stairways and grab bars for the toilets and showers.

If you think that you or your loved one are at risk for falls, visit our office in Parsippany, New Jersey. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim, can evaluate you for any risk factors and provide you the best advice on fall risk prevention so that you can get back to the life and activities you enjoy. Contact us at (973) 917-3785 to schedule your appointment today.

4 Tips to Keep in Mind for Outdoor Exercise

outdoor exercise

If you are one of those people who like to exercise outdoors with nature, rather than being confined indoors with your gym equipment, be sure that you practice social distancing.

At Step by Step Family Foot Care, our experts recommend 4 important tips before you head out:

  1. Keep hand sanitizer with you all the time and use it frequently, especially if you happen to touch some objects outside. We cannot overemphasize the importance of hand sanitizer.
  2. Protect your skin from the sun. Sun rays can cause damage by burning your skin or making it crack due to dryness. Use sunscreen before leaving the house and reapply frequently. Similarly, you may want to carry your sunglasses along to protect your eyes.
  3. Drink plenty of water! Staying hydrated is extremely crucial if you want to continue with your outdoor workout. Dehydration can result in painful cramps, dizziness and you may even collapse if you are not careful. Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks in the heat as they accelerate dehydration.
  4. If the weather outside is pleasant, you may want to extend your exercise routine. However, listen to your body and stop if you are feeling drained. Overdoing it can lead to many problems like sprains, muscle damage, ankle swelling, dehydration and more.

If you have been inactive or idle for a while, you may feel the urge to jump into intense workouts to shake off the laziness. However, it is advised to take it slow, increase your pace gradually and always allow for proper stretching to prevent injury. This will enable you to build stamina and avoid unexpected breaks due to injuries or burnouts.

For your questions and concerns about exercise routines and health in general, contact our office in Parsippany, NJ by calling (973) 917-3785. For the safety of our patients and staff, we’re offering telemedicine. Dr. Debra B. Manheim is available by phone for a consultation.