We’re Open and Treating Patients

Step by Step Family Foot Care has been closely monitoring information and recommendations from the CDC and NJ Department of Health about the COVID-19, Coronavirus. Even before the outbreak, our medical staff already used standard infection control practices. By following current guidelines and recommendations, we have put extra protocols in place to reduce risk to our patients and medical staff members.

  • We ask that any patient or family member, that displays symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, to reschedule appointments until they are free from symptoms for at least 24 hours. We ask this of our medical staff members as well.
  • We are asking patients to cooperate in a rescheduling effort for non-emergency appointments.
  • We are asking that all patients call our office when they arrive in the parking lot for their appointment. We will then call you back when we are ready for you to come in and have you go directly to a patient room.
  • We are trying to limit the number of people in the office at any one time. You may bring one additional person with you to your appointment (i.e. caregiver or parent of a child) if necessary.
  • Dr. Manheim will be available by phone for consultations if needed.
  • We are currently not treating patients going to assisted living, senior apartments or taking any house calls during this crisis. We will notify you when this has changed.

CDC recommends taking everyday precautions to prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19 and influenza, by doing the following:

  • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces that are often touched.
  • Take care of your health overall. Staying current on your vaccinations, including flu vaccine, eating well and exercising all help your body stay resilient.
  • Consult the CDC’s travel website for any travel advisories and steps to protect yourself if you plan to travel outside of the US.

For more information, check out the following:


Debra Manheim, DPM

March Your Way to Nutritious Foods

grilled salmon

March is National Nutrition Month and we at Step by Step Family Foot Care would like to urge our patients to monitor what they eat, as that has a direct impact on the health of your feet.

Your feet carry your body weight and allow you to move around. What you eat will not only provide nutrition for your feet but will also maintain your weight, so that your feet are not overly burdened.

Dr. Debra B. Manheim has some useful tips to ensure that your feet are safe and healthy:

  • Keep moving; however, go slow and steady. It is important to exercise, make sure that your feet and ankles are flexed and stress-free before you begin. Moreover, if you are springing into action after a period of idleness, be sure to start slowly and proceed to more intense workouts gradually.
  • Use orthotic inserts to support your heels and arches. Customized orthotic inserts are more effective than over-the-counter orthotics, as they are made to fit the shape of your feet alone. Not only do they support your feet by redistributing pressure, but they also correct your posture and fix your gait.
  • Your bones need to be strong and healthy if you want your feet to be pain-free. Ensuring that your diet plan includes multi-vitamins, especially vitamin D and calcium, is integral for stronger bones.
  • Examine your feet regularly to check for any warning signs such as numbness, swelling, redness, discoloration of toenails, thickening of the skin and more. Poor circulation causes numbness and may be a sign of diabetic neuropathy. Swelling may indicate water retention or high blood pressure. Changing colors or texture of the skin and toenails is a sign of an infection that should not be ignored.

A healthy diet and a regular workout routine are ideal measures for healthy living. If you would like some more information in this regard or have any questions for any of your foot conditions, visit our office in Parsippany, NJ or contact us at (973) 917-3785 to schedule your appointment today.

Have You Been Neglecting Your Bunions?


According to Dr. Debra B. Manheim of Step by Step Family Foot Care, Bunions are painful bumps at the base of the big toes that tend to worsen if they are left untreated. The condition is characterized by the bending of the big toe towards the smaller toes. If ignored, it can be a source of great pain and can cause temporary immobility.

Although usually hereditary, bunions can be caused by several reasons such as ill-fitted footwear, extra high heels and more. Usually, non-surgical treatments like using custom orthotics, wearing shoes with a wider toe-box, avoiding high heels and the like, can fix the issue.

However, in some cases, surgical procedures may be required to remove the deformity. It is best to get your feet examined thoroughly and get proper treatment according to the severity. Even surgical procedures differ depending on the condition of the bunion. Usually, surgery involves severing the protruding lump and relocating the bones of the toes to the right position.

If you notice any of the following, don’t delay and get your appointment scheduled right away:

  • You feel your shoes don’t fit you or they hurt the joint of your big toe
  • Your toes are pushing against each other more and more
  • Your ability to walk around and perform daily chores is being affected due to pain
  • You are unable to find comfortable shoes in general

Why should you suffer and compromise on the health of your feet? Quality of life tends to downgrade when your feet are in pain or are unable to function properly.

Feel free to consult with our experts and discuss the nature of your foot condition. With the latest technology and vast experience, our team will guide you through recovery and relieve your feet from pain. Visit our office in Parsippany, NJ or contact us at (973) 917-3785 to schedule a convenient appointment. For more information on podiatry related problems, you can browse through our patient education library and blog section.

New Shoes: New Year’s Gift for Your Feet

At Step by Step Family Foot Care, we encourage our patients to go through their shoe closet or storage and replace any worn-out shoes with new and comfortable ones. That’s the least you can do for your feet at the beginning of the year!

Did you know that the majority of foot problems faced by people are caused by ill-fitted or uncomfortable footwear? These can be avoided with proper care and frequent visits to your podiatrist.

If you are heading out for shoe shopping, here are a few essential things to keep in mind:

  • One of the most important features of good shoes is the proper heel and arch support. Make sure there is enough padding in the soles and behind the heel area so that your feet are not under any stress or unnecessary weight.
  • There should be enough room in the toe box area for you to wiggle your toes. Tight and small-sized shoes can result in problems like ingrown toenails, bunions, hammertoes, and more.
  • If you fancy high heels, don’t think that you will be deprived of them. Just make sure that they are not higher than two inches and do not push your toes against each other. Also, avoid wearing them for long durations.
  • With snow and chilly weather, the roads and pavements are likely to become very slippery. It is important to watch your step. Also, it would be a wise idea to wear shoes with a strong and firm grip to avoid trips and falls.

If you feel pain or discomfort in your feet or are unsure regarding the kind of footwear you should be wearing, feel free to contact our office in Parsippany, NJ by calling (973) 917-3785 to schedule a convenient appointment. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim, will guide you for solutions that are best suited for your podiatric conditions. For more information on podiatry related problems, you can browse through our patient education video library.

Five Ways to Keep Your Feet Happy During This Holiday Season

happy holiday feet
As holiday happiness reaches its peak, be sure not to neglect your feet. Keep them safe so that you can enjoy your holidays to the fullest.

We at Step by Step Family Foot Care advise our patients to take it easy and take ample rest breaks in between all the hustle and bustle. Walking from one corner to the other at shopping malls, running errands, standing in long lines, going up and down endless stairs, are all factors that can result in foot pain or ankle sprains.

Here are five ways to ensure the safety of your feet:
  1. Wear comfortable shoes: If you have a busy day lined up, it is best to put on a pair of comfy shoes that provide heel and arch support to your feet. Avoid wearing heels for long durations, as that will surely result in sore feet.
  2. Use orthotic inserts: Customized orthotic inserts are the greatest gifts that you can give to your feet. With extra support, stability, and balance, you can cruise swiftly through all the crowded places.
  3. Watch where you are stepping: Winter season makes paths slippery. Therefore, it is crucial to watch out for places that are wet or pose a threat of slipping. Carelessness can cost you a sprained ankle, a damaged tendon or worse – a fracture!
  4. Keep your feet clean and dry: Closed shoes, thick socks, and heated places are sure to make your feet sweaty, exposing them to the risk of fungal and bacterial infections. Wash your feet daily and keep them dry. Switch shoes and keep extra pairs of socks so that you can change frequently. Foot powder is also quite useful.
  5. Don’t burden your feet: With the abundance of sugary treats and holiday feasts, one is very likely to gain extra pounds. Watch your weight as it can damage your tendons and result in excruciating foot pain.

If you have any concerns related to your feet, contact our office in Parsippany, NJ by calling (973) 917-3785 to schedule a convenient appointment. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim will examine your foot and ankle condition and recommend the best course of action for their health and safety. For more information on foot problems and foot health, you can browse through our patient education library.

How To Identify Diabetic Nerve Damage In Your Feet

Did you know that millions of people are suffering from diabetes throughout the world? With November being Diabetes Awareness Month, we at Step by Step Family Foot Care want to make our patients aware of the harmful effects of diabetes, and provide guidelines on how to manage this disease.

Nerve damage, also known as diabetic neuropathy, is caused due to high sugar levels in your blood stream, such that it hampers your ability feel any sensation in your feet.

Here are five signs of diabetic neuropathy that you should look out for:

  • Numbness and an inability to feel pain in your feet, as the nerves are damaged.
  • Tingling or piercing pain in your feet that worsens as you apply weight or pressure on your feet.
  • Instability while walking which could be due to pain caused by nerve damage.
  • Weakening of the muscles that can also make standing or maintaining your balance very difficult.
  • Due to loss of sensation in your feet, you may not be able to feel the temperature of the water in the shower, exposing you to the risk of burning your feet if the water is too hot. Get help and make sure the temperature is adequate before you walk into the shower.

If you fear that you are suffering from diabetic neuropathy or have any questions related to this condition, feel free to consult our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim.

Our team has vast experience in treating a range of foot conditions and disorders, and is equipped with advanced technologies and treatments to restore the health of your feet. We urge you to visit our office in Parsippany NJ or call us at (973) 917-3785 for information and appointment.

The Most Important Do’s and Don’ts for Fall Sports Prep

Is your child ready for the fall sports season? While activities such as soccer, swimming and hiking are all good ways to keep children fit and active, it is important that we don’t take any shortcuts in ensuring their health and safety. At Step by Step Family Foot Care, we see many injuries in young athletes that could have been avoided if the preseason conditioning was exercised.

Below are some of the do’s and don’ts to be kept in mind so that your children have a safe and injury-free season.

Do: Always encourage your children to take part in all kinds of sports activities and make them aware of the importance of pre and post warm-up routines.

Do: Make sure you set up an appointment at our office in Parsippany NJ (973) 917-3785 to consult our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim. The foot doctor can help address all podiatric health concerns of your child and formulate a suitable course of action to avoid any unforeseen problems.

Do: Stay in touch with your child’s physical training instructor so that you can share your feedback on any issues that need to be considered before your child takes up a certain activity. This will also help the instructor to determine which exercises may be assigned for their strength and a healthy start to the season.

Don’t: Wearing last year’s shoes may be tempting yet damaging for your children. Over time shoes tend to wear out and lose their support structure especially in areas like the padding at the heels and the arch. Make sure to check their shoes to avoid any issues like heel pain, sprains, blisters, etc.

Don’t: You will be able to find shoes now that are designed for specific sports. Don’t opt for shoes that were handed down or passed on because new shoes will help your child’s feet by adjusting according to their shape and size.

For any questions or concerns regarding your child’s foot and ankle health, feel free to get in touch with our experts.

Beware of Foot Blisters

Blisters are tiny bubble-like pockets that appear on the skin of your feet usually due to excessive and repetitive friction. The bubble is filled with fluid and is supposed to protect the damaged skin from further harm.

What are the likely reasons for blisters to appear? Here are a few:

  • Poorly fitted shoes that rub against the skin of your feet constantly
  • Diseases like chickenpox also lead to many blisters
  • Skin burns or cold sores cause blisters too
  • Some insect bites may also result in itchy or painful blisters

The big question that revolves around blisters is whether to pop them or let them be. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim advises patients to leave the blister alone. Meddling with it or bursting it will only expose your feet to bacterial skin infections and possibly bleeding wounds.

In case a blister bursts on its own, you should clean it using water and soap. Dry the affected area carefully. Make sure the skin lies flat on the area; do not try to peel it off or remove it.

Using an antibacterial ointment is effective in preventing infections. Avoid covering it with a bandage as moisture will make it worse. However, loosely covering it with gauze will help to protect it from dust and rubbing.

If you notice blisters on your feet that appear too frequently or do no heal properly, we at Step by Step Family Foot Care advise you to schedule an appointment with our broad-certified podiatrist right away. Knowing what is causing your blisters is important so that the right course of treatment can be administered.

We have your best interest in mind and our team is available to help you in case of any questions or concerns regarding your foot health. Our office is located in Parsippany, New Jersey, and you may contact us at (973) 917-3785 to schedule a convenient appointment. For more information on foot disorders and foot health, you can browse through our patient education library.

4 Exercises to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

Have you ever experienced pain in your heels or the arches of your feet? Chances are that you may be suffering from a condition known as “plantar fasciitis”.

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the tissue (plantar fascia) that runs under your feet and connects your toes with the heel. Reasons that may cause this inflammation include wear and tear due to sports activities, incessant pressure, sudden impact, and stress.

Here are a few exercises that can strengthen your muscles and safeguard your plantar fascia:

  1. Stretch your arches: you can sit with one leg over the other and gently pull your toes towards your shin to feel a stretch under your foot. Another way is to place a stretching band under your feet, pull your feet towards yourself and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Release and then repeat the routine.
  2. Roll a ball: while sitting on a chair, place a ball or any round object under your feet and rotate it to loosen up any tight muscles under your feet and toes.
  3. Ease your calves: place one leg forward and extend the other towards the back while you lean your hands against the wall. Bend the forward leg slightly and feel the stretch in the calf of the leg at the back. Repeat a few times and then switch legs.
  4. Stretching your toes: wrapping your toes with an elastic band, stretching them apart and then closing them, is also an effective exercise to build muscle strength.

If you feel pain in your feet or are unsure about the cause of your discomfort, we, at Step by Step Family Foot Care, urge you to visit your podiatrist right away.

To avoid any permanent tissue damage, schedule an appointment with Dr. Debra B. Manheim, who is an expert in treating a range of foot conditions and disorders such as arthritis, neuromas, sports injuries, diabetic foot complications, flat feet, and fungal toenails, etc. Contact us and save your feet from any further harm.

Keep Your Feet Fit for Summer Fun Indulgences

Summer activities expose our feet to many risks and hazards. However, that does not mean that one should deprive oneself of all the fun that this season has to offer.

Being careful and making sensible choices can help protect our feet from harm. At Step by Step Family Foot Care, we advise our patients to keep their eyes open for the following:

  • Fungus and bacteria: Infections are thriving during summertime and spread easily if not treated immediately. Fungal toenails, athlete’s foot, blisters, warts, and calluses are common occurrences and should be treated as early as possible.
  • Heel pain: This pain is ascribed to the most popular summer footwear i.e. flip-flops. These airy and easy-to-slip-on shoes provide the least support to your foot arch, causing your heels to come under stress due to excessive weight. It is advised to wear shoes that provide adequate support or use orthotic inserts for appropriate distribution of your body weight on your feet.
  • Sprains: The chances of sprains and stress fractures increase if you wear uncomfortable shoes for long durations or during intensive physical activity. Shoes with a stronger grip, softer insoles, and proper arch support are highly recommended to prevent injuries and pain.
  • Wounds and cuts: Wearing open shoes or being barefoot increases the risk of being injured by splinters and sharp objects. If you suffer a cut or a wound, make sure you have it cleaned up properly and use an antiseptic to prevent infection. It is advised to keep your wounds open and dry to avoid pus and bacterial infections.

If you encounter any of the above conditions and feel that your feet are not improving or healing properly, we urge you to visit our Parsippany, NJ office or call us at (973) 917-3785 to schedule an appointment. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim will conduct a thorough examination and administer the appropriate course of treatment to restore the health of your feet.