A Podiatrist’s Guide to Healing 3 Hiking Hazards

Hiking offers a fantastic way to connect with nature and exercise outdoors, particularly as the weather warms. However, uneven terrain, heavy backpacks, and increased mileage can all lead to painful injuries and ailments.

Step by Step Family Foot Care is well known for proven expertise and fact-focused relief. In part, that reputation stems from our enduring commitment to patient education, and this time around, we’re blogging about common hiking woes and how to handle them.

1.) Blisters:

These fluid-filled pockets on the skin typically appear from friction between your feet and socks or shoes. They’re most common during long hikes with new or ill-fitting footwear.

  • Conservative Treatment: Once a blister forms, resist the urge to pop it! Apply a sterile bandage to prevent infection, and wear well-fitting, moisture-wicking socks on future hikes.
  • Advanced Treatment: A podiatrist can safely drain large or painful blisters and provide a sterile dressing to promote healing. They can also recommend specialized blister pads or inlays to prevent further friction.

2.) Plantar Fasciitis:

This inflammation of the plantar fascia, a ligament stretching from your heel to your toes, presents as heel pain, especially in the mornings or after long periods of standing or walking. Plantar fasciitis often arises from increased stress on the plantar fascia due to uneven terrain or improper footwear.

  • Conservative Treatment: Stretching exercises for the plantar fascia and calf muscles might be combined with orthotics featuring arch support to distribute pressure more evenly.
  • Advanced Treatment: Your podiatrist might suggest night splints to keep your foot flexed while you sleep or corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation.

3.) Ankle Sprains:

A misstep on uneven ground or a rolled ankle can cause the ligaments connecting your ankle bones to stretch or tear beyond their normal range of motion. This is often accompanied by pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty bearing weight.

  • Conservative Treatment: Your podiatrist will likely recommend immobilization with a brace or cast alongside physical therapy exercises to regain strength and stability.
  • Advanced Treatment: In severe cases involving ligament tears, surgery might be necessary to repair damaged tissue.

At Step By Step Family Foot Care, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive podiatric services. Concerned about your foot health? Contact our office at (973) 917-3785 or visit our website to schedule an appointment with Dr. Debra Manheim. 

It’s Time to See Your Podiatrist!

Let’s face it: Visiting the doctor isn’t always a top priority. Between hectic schedules and readily available over-the-counter remedies, DIY treatments can seem tempting. However, when it comes to your feet, neglecting potential issues can lead to bigger problems, additional complications, and unnecessary aches.

Step By Step Family Foot Care will always try to keep patients posted on what they can do to catch problems early or prevent them altogether. That’s why this blog will cover some key situations that merit calling your podiatrist right away! Read on to learn what to watch for.

Navigating Diabetes:

Athlete’s Advantage:

  • Athletes put their feet through the ringer, making them prone to injuries.
  • While minor aches might seem manageable, ignoring them can worsen into chronic issues. Seek professional help for suspected injuries to ensure a quick and safe recovery. Preventive care like gait analysis and proper footwear recommendations can keep you in the game longer.

Don’t Forget Fungi:

  • Athlete’s foot, despite its name, affects everyone.
  • While over-the-counter antifungals exist, stubborn toenail infections or recurring outbreaks require expert intervention.
  • Early diagnosis and targeted treatment from your podiatrist can nip the fungus in the bud, preventing spread and ensuring a lasting cure.

If your feet are trying to tell you something, listen up! Persistent pain, swelling, changes in appearance, or unusual sensations are all signs that warrant a visit to your podiatrist. Prevention is the best medicine, and regular checkups can save you time, money, and discomfort in the long run. Invest in your foot health – schedule a podiatry appointment today and step towards a confident, pain-free future!

Step By Step Family Foot Care is here to assist you with any of your podiatry needs. To make an appointment with Dr. Debra Manheim, call us at (973) 917-3785 or visit our site to schedule an appointment. The staff at our Parsippany office is ready and eager to help.

Staying Active with Arthritis When Winter Weather Strikes

As frost settles in and winter gets going in earnest, seniors with arthritis feel the chill extend to their joints. Stiffness, aches, and even difficulty walking can make enjoying the season a painful challenge.

Step by Step Family Foot Care won’t leave you out in the cold! We’re invested in patient education as a crucial component of ensuring good outcomes, so with that in mind, we crafted this blog post to guide your steps toward a painless winter.

Cold Concerns

Lower temperatures and damp weather often exacerbate joint pain because reduced barometric pressure increases inflammation, while slippery surfaces add to the risk of falls. What can you do about it? Two steps make for a good start:

  1. Low-impact exercises like water aerobics, yoga, or tai chi can improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and reduce pain.
  2. Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce pain and improve mobility. Excess weight puts extra strain on your joints, hampering your daily routines.

Now, let’s tackle two common forms of arthritis that you might face. First up is Osteoarthritis (OA). This “wear-and-tear” arthritis affects the cartilage in your joints. To slow its progression:

  • Strengthen supporting muscles. Strong muscles take pressure off your joints, easing pain and improving stability. Try isometric exercises targeting your legs and ankles.
  • Explore pain management options. Consult your podiatrist about pain management strategies like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroid injections, or even certain nutritional supplements for longer-term relief.
  • Consider custom orthotic devices. They can provide necessary support, bolster the foot’s mechanics, and provide cushioning to minimize discomfort.

Then there’s Hallux Rigidus. This form of degenerative arthritis affects the big toe joint, causing pain and stiffness when bending. For relief:

  • Wear wider shoes with cushioned soles. Allow ample space for your toe joint to move comfortably. Consider stiff or rocker-bottom soles and ditch high heels for good.
  • Physical therapy or ultrasound therapy modalities are solid conservative choices for relief.
  • In severe cases, surgery to remove bone spurs or realign the joint might be necessary.

Step By Step Family Foot Care is here to assist you with any of your podiatry needs! To consult with Dr. Debra Manheim, call us at (973) 917-3785 or visit our site to schedule an appointment. The staff at our Parsippany office is ready and eager to help!

Everyday Tips for Healthy Feet

Your feet are an essential aspect of your overall health, and with spring here people are increasing their activities. Now is the perfect time to take a moment and look at some simple tips to help keep your feet healthy and happy.

A lot of us take the health of our feet for granted until something goes wrong. Unfortunately, by the time a foot condition is detected, it can require extensive treatment. That’s why it’s important to avoid foot problems in the first place through preventive care instead of waiting to treat them after they develop. Here are some general foot care tips:

  • WASH YOUR FEET REGULARLY – wash your feet every day in warm soapy water. You may not want to soak them for long periods as this might take away your skin’s natural oils.
  • KEEP YOUR FEET DRY – dry your feet carefully after washing them. Make sure you get between the toes. Dampness is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow and this may cause a fungal infection like athlete’s foot to occur.
  • MOISTURIZE – if you have dry skin you need to apply moisturizing cream all over the foot but remember to leave the area between your toes dry.
  • CUT YOUR TOENAILS – trim your toenails frequently using appropriate nail clippers. Always cut straight across and never down the corners or at an angle. This can result in ingrown toenails which can be painful and may lead to an infection.
  • CHANGE SOCKS DAILY – this will help prevent foot odor. Sweaty feet can attract bacteria that produce odor. Try to wear socks made of wool or cotton. These enable your feet to breathe and help them in temperature regulation.
  • AVOID FLIP-FLOPS – flip-flops don’t support your feet. They may cause arch and heel pain to develop if you wear them for too long.

If you have any issues with foot health and mobility, contact Step by Step Family Foot Care in Parsippany, New Jersey. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim, offers treatment for foot and ankle disorders, biomechanical analysis, and functional orthotic fabrication. For more information and answers to your questions, and to schedule an appointmentcontact us at (973) 917-3785.

Has Covid Ruined Your Feet?

foot health

Covid has certainly turned our lives upside-down. Everyone has had to make radical changes in their lives. Unfortunately, many of these changes have negatively affected our health, including the health of our feet! Let’s look at how the changes in our habits have impacted our feet.

Why Has Covid Ruined Our Feet?

First, foot pain has been on the rise during the pandemic. The main reason is that people are working from home. While staying home, many have kicked off their supportive shoes and instead decided to wear slippers or flip-flops. The problem is that these provide little support or cushioning for your feet and increase the likelihood of injuries.

Another reason foot pain is more prevalent is that Covid has put many out of work, allowing people to use this extra free time to be more active. Attempting new sports and utilizing new exercise equipment have become more common, but it has led to more stress on the feet, injuries, and worsening chronic conditions. Podiatrists have reported they are specifically seeing more cases of plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

This is commonly known as heel pain. The pain is caused by an inflammation of the band of tissue that extends from the heel to the toes. Heel pain may also be due to other causes, such as a stress fracture, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve irritation, or a cyst. It’s important to see an experienced specialist who can diagnose the exact problem.

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon. Usually, this inflammation is short-lived. Over time the condition often progresses to a degeneration of the tendon, which is a case of Achilles tendinosis, in which the tendon loses its organized structure and is likely to develop small tears.

If you have any issues with foot health and mobility, contact Step by Step Family Foot Care in Parsippany, New Jersey. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim, offers treatment for foot and ankle disorders, biomechanical analysis, and functional orthotic fabrication. For more information and answers to your questions, and to schedule an appointmentcontact us at (973) 917-3785.

The Most Important Do’s and Don’ts for Fall Sports Prep

Is your child ready for the fall sports season? While activities such as soccer, swimming and hiking are all good ways to keep children fit and active, it is important that we don’t take any shortcuts in ensuring their health and safety. At Step by Step Family Foot Care, we see many injuries in young athletes that could have been avoided if the preseason conditioning was exercised.

Below are some of the do’s and don’ts to be kept in mind so that your children have a safe and injury-free season.

Do: Always encourage your children to take part in all kinds of sports activities and make them aware of the importance of pre and post warm-up routines.

Do: Make sure you set up an appointment at our office in Parsippany NJ (973) 917-3785 to consult our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim. The foot doctor can help address all podiatric health concerns of your child and formulate a suitable course of action to avoid any unforeseen problems.

Do: Stay in touch with your child’s physical training instructor so that you can share your feedback on any issues that need to be considered before your child takes up a certain activity. This will also help the instructor to determine which exercises may be assigned for their strength and a healthy start to the season.

Don’t: Wearing last year’s shoes may be tempting yet damaging for your children. Over time shoes tend to wear out and lose their support structure especially in areas like the padding at the heels and the arch. Make sure to check their shoes to avoid any issues like heel pain, sprains, blisters, etc.

Don’t: You will be able to find shoes now that are designed for specific sports. Don’t opt for shoes that were handed down or passed on because new shoes will help your child’s feet by adjusting according to their shape and size.

For any questions or concerns regarding your child’s foot and ankle health, feel free to get in touch with our experts.

4 Exercises to Prevent Plantar Fasciitis

Have you ever experienced pain in your heels or the arches of your feet? Chances are that you may be suffering from a condition known as “plantar fasciitis”.

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the tissue (plantar fascia) that runs under your feet and connects your toes with the heel. Reasons that may cause this inflammation include wear and tear due to sports activities, incessant pressure, sudden impact, and stress.

Here are a few exercises that can strengthen your muscles and safeguard your plantar fascia:

  1. Stretch your arches: you can sit with one leg over the other and gently pull your toes towards your shin to feel a stretch under your foot. Another way is to place a stretching band under your feet, pull your feet towards yourself and hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Release and then repeat the routine.
  2. Roll a ball: while sitting on a chair, place a ball or any round object under your feet and rotate it to loosen up any tight muscles under your feet and toes.
  3. Ease your calves: place one leg forward and extend the other towards the back while you lean your hands against the wall. Bend the forward leg slightly and feel the stretch in the calf of the leg at the back. Repeat a few times and then switch legs.
  4. Stretching your toes: wrapping your toes with an elastic band, stretching them apart and then closing them, is also an effective exercise to build muscle strength.

If you feel pain in your feet or are unsure about the cause of your discomfort, we, at Step by Step Family Foot Care, urge you to visit your podiatrist right away.

To avoid any permanent tissue damage, schedule an appointment with Dr. Debra B. Manheim, who is an expert in treating a range of foot conditions and disorders such as arthritis, neuromas, sports injuries, diabetic foot complications, flat feet, and fungal toenails, etc. Contact us and save your feet from any further harm.

Keep Your Feet Fit for Summer Fun Indulgences

Summer activities expose our feet to many risks and hazards. However, that does not mean that one should deprive oneself of all the fun that this season has to offer.

Being careful and making sensible choices can help protect our feet from harm. At Step by Step Family Foot Care, we advise our patients to keep their eyes open for the following:

  • Fungus and bacteria: Infections are thriving during summertime and spread easily if not treated immediately. Fungal toenails, athlete’s foot, blisters, warts, and calluses are common occurrences and should be treated as early as possible.
  • Heel pain: This pain is ascribed to the most popular summer footwear i.e. flip-flops. These airy and easy-to-slip-on shoes provide the least support to your foot arch, causing your heels to come under stress due to excessive weight. It is advised to wear shoes that provide adequate support or use orthotic inserts for appropriate distribution of your body weight on your feet.
  • Sprains: The chances of sprains and stress fractures increase if you wear uncomfortable shoes for long durations or during intensive physical activity. Shoes with a stronger grip, softer insoles, and proper arch support are highly recommended to prevent injuries and pain.
  • Wounds and cuts: Wearing open shoes or being barefoot increases the risk of being injured by splinters and sharp objects. If you suffer a cut or a wound, make sure you have it cleaned up properly and use an antiseptic to prevent infection. It is advised to keep your wounds open and dry to avoid pus and bacterial infections.

If you encounter any of the above conditions and feel that your feet are not improving or healing properly, we urge you to visit our Parsippany, NJ office or call us at (973) 917-3785 to schedule an appointment. Our board-certified podiatrist, Dr. Debra B. Manheim will conduct a thorough examination and administer the appropriate course of treatment to restore the health of your feet.

Laser Therapy for Your Foot and Ankle Pain


Technology has revolutionized our world manifold. These revolutions/advances in the field of medicine have helped people cope with their health problems in a befitting manner. The podiatry field is no exception. In the past, one could not think of coming out of an ankle sprain so severe, as the star wide receiver for the New York Giants Odell Beckham Jr. had faced some two seasons ago and recovered miraculously within 3 weeks. An injury that would have kept one of the faces of the National Football League (NFL) out of the game for many months as predicted by many, laser treatment is all it took for the renowned athlete to get back in the game.

At Step by Step Family Foot Care in Parsippany (973) 917-3785, New Jersey, our board-certified podiatrist Dr. Debra B. Manheim uses high-tech laser therapy treatment to a quicker, more effective and complete healing at a cellular level, treating a variety of foot and ankle issues.

Laser Therapy Treatment

This non-invasive, drug-free laser therapy treatment is relatively a new technology. More specifically, it includes a device that releases a concentrated beam of laser light energy that penetrates the soft skin tissue on a cellular level. This treatment repairs any injured or damaged tissue, reduces pain and inflammation and accelerates the healing process. The treatment is virtually painless and has no known side effects. The laser therapy is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – a federal agency that ensures the safety of all medical equipment.

Treatable ailments include:

Is the laser therapy right for you?

If you have painful feet, damaged tissue, mobility issues or other foot and ankle problems, it is essential to talk to a podiatrist and discuss laser therapy treatment.

The laser treatments from our foot expert, Dr. Debra B. Manheim can help you reach optimal foot health. We use advanced treatments and technologies, including laser technology as a key component in the quest to help our patients overcome their acute and chronic foot pain. If you have any questions you can call our office on the number listed above or set up a consultation with our foot experts. For more information about podiatric related problems and treatment, you can browse through our patient education library online.